Five easy and low maintenance landscape designs for boxwood

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When it comes to landscaping, shrubs and bushes are front of mind for most gardeners. Nothing compares to boxwood when it comes to creating the perfect garden landscape. Boxwood is an easy and low-maintenance option for landscaping. Its vibrant evergreen foliage provides interest in the garden year round. It is also a shrub that can go in any landscape design while giving your yard a regal and elegant feel! 

If you’ve been out to your local nursery or garden centre, you have most likely come across different types of boxwood. You may have even thought about adding some to your landscape projects. If you’re new to working with boxwood and looking for info on how to use it in your next landscaping project, today’s blog is full of inspirational ideas. So, pull up a chair in the garden. Let’s have a chat about how you can use boxwood to take your landscaping projects to the next level!

What is boxwood?

Boxwood belongs to the evergreen family. It is known for its strong form and brilliant green foliage. Available in over 150 varieties, boxwood makes for an excellent choice when it comes to landscaping. This is due to the interest that it provides in the garden year round. Many people love boxwood because it is easy to care for and low maintenance. Boxwood serves as a great intro into the world of landscaping. This is especially true for those with busy schedules and lives. 

What are the best conditions for planting boxwood in the landscape?

Boxwoods thrives best in full sun to part shade. It will grow either in large in-ground gardens or in containers. You can plant it as a stand-alone shrub in the garden or clustered together to form a garden border or hedge. It is often found as a shrub that defines your property and provide privacy. Also, boxwood can act as a more friendly alternative to a traditional fence!

Did you know that boxwood can be prone to damage from harsh winter winds and road salt? You might want to consider planting it in a more sheltered location of your yard. Or use some burlap wrapping during winter to provide protection.

What are some basic care tips for landscaping with boxwood?

Boxwoods love when you plant them in areas with proper drainage. Avoid planting in areas of your yard with pooling water. For example, avoid planting them near downspouts or low lying areas of the garden. You can grow boxwood in containers. But make sure that the container has proper drainage as well to keep your boxwoods healthy and happy. Boxwoods can be prone to root rot, so making sure they have adequate water. You do not want your boxwood to sit in water so proper drainage is key. The best time to fertilize your boxwood is in the spring. When fertilizing, keep the fertilizer out from the roots so you don’t burn them. As your boxwoods become established in the garden, you can prune them. It’s always important to trim out any dead or diseased foliage. This will keep your plants strong and vibrant for years to come. 

What are some common varieties of boxwood available for home gardeners?

Here are some of more common varieties of boxwood. You will definitely want include these hydrangeas your garden landscape designs. Especially in this 2024 growing season: 

  1. Green mountain boxwood
  2. Green velvet boxwood
  3. Winter gem boxwood
  4. Variegated boxwood
  5. Sprinter boxwood
  6. Big leaf boxwood
  7. Little leaf boxwood

There is a lot of variation between traditional boxwood and miniature varieties. The possibilities are endless when it comes to planning your next landscaping project. 

Garden landscaping design ideas using boxwood

1.) Garden borders and edging. Their strong form and dense foliage are a great companion for use in garden borders and edging. They can help frame in a garden or help to define the boundaries of a property. 

2.) Entryway accents. They make the perfect accent plant to create a welcoming and inviting feel. They are great to plant at the entrance to a home, business, or beside gates on a property. Try planting boxwood with some colourful annuals. In a container or planter you will have a super showy display!

3.) Framing the edges of buildings. Are looking to dress up the side of a building or create more pleasing lines? If so, boxwoods should be on your list this season of must-have plants! Boxwood makes the perfect edging for any building. It can give you that sense of elegance and grace that you have been searching for. 

4.) Divide the garden or yard into defined areas. Are you looking for a natural way to divide your yard without resorting to fencing? boxwoods can provide you with the structure you are searching for.

5.) Window box dressings. There are a lot of fun and interesting miniature varieties available of boxwood. These smaller varieties can be grown in containers. They also make a great accent for window box dressings. Paring them with some colourful flowers will create a stunning display. Boxwood can also stand on their own in window boxes year round for a beautiful display of evergreens. When using your boxwood as a window box dressing, make sure that they have proper drainage to avoid root rot. 

Final thoughts

When you are planning your next landscaping project, remember to keep boxwood in mind. Boxwood shrubs are versatile, easy-to-grow, and have very little maintenance involved. That is once they are growing in your garden space they are easy to maintain. Have you created a unique design recently with boxwood in your own garden? Share your gardening story below or reach out on our socials. We always love to hear about your projects and what you are up to in the garden. Until next time gardening friends, keep your gardening life simple and easy. What better plant to do that with than boxwood!

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