How to grow and care for Endless Summer Hydrangeas 

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Endless Summer hydrangeas make a stunning accent to any garden. They are cold hardy, reblooming, and come in a variety of colours. Endless Summer hydrangeas are long bloomers. They typically bloom from spring into late summer. Depending on the season, their blooms can last up to 10-12 weeks longer than other varieties.

Endless Summer hydrangeas have bold colours and ornate green leaves. Their appearance makes them look good in any landscape. Use them in a container or flower bed. Or, create a beautiful garden border. No matter which design you choose, you cannot go wrong with these gorgeous plants.

If you’ve been wondering about growing an Endless Summer hydrangea, you’ve come to the right place. In today’s blog, we walk you through the basic care and maintenance of Endless Summer hydrangeas. So, pull up a chair and let’s dig in!

Here are some basic care tips for Endless Summer Hydrangeas

  • Endless summer hydrangeas grow well in soil that is rich in organic matter. Try amending your soil with compost before planting.
  • These hydrangeas thrive best in an area with full morning sun and part shade in the afternoon. Avoid placing in an area with full afternoon sun.
  • To help lock in moisture, after planting, spread a layer of mulch around the base.
  • Avoid overwatering. Soil should be moist, not soaked.
  • Apply fertilizer in spring or early summer.
  • Minor pruning should take place in the spring.
  1. Twist-n-Shout: The flower style is the lacecap variety. These hydrangeas grow 3-4 feet tall and roughly four feet wide. They are known for their deep pink or periwinkle blue flowers.
  2. Summer Crush: A compact bush-like variety, this hydrangea can tolerate more sun than most. It grows roughly 18-36 inches tall and wide. The blooms are either raspberry or neon purple.
  3. Bloomstruck: This variety can reach heights of 3-5 feet tall and up to 6 feet wide. It comes in three colours: pink, blue, and purple.
  4. Popstar: Another compact variety, this hydrangea has a height and width of 18-36 inches. Very popular for patio container gardens or in small flower beds. The flowers are typically blue, but can be turned pink with alkaline soil.
  5. Blushing Bride: This variety starts out with white blooms that transition to either blush pink or blue. It grows 3-4 feet high and wide.

Growing conditions


Endless Summer hydrangeas prefer to grow in part sun areas of the yard. Choose a location that receives morning sun and filtered shade in the afternoon. Avoid planting in direct full sun or full shade. Doing so can impact growth and bloom production.


These hydrangeas grow best in rich, well draining soil. Endless Summer hydrangeas prefer soil that is slightly acidic. The pH level will determine bloom colour. A pH above 6.0 will turn the blooms pink. Below 6.0 will turn the blooms blue. You can add a soil acidifier to change the bloom colour. Note that it might take a couple of seasons for the full effects.


The soil should be moist, but not soaked. Too wet and it could lead to root rot.

Temperature and humidity levels

Endless Summer hydrangeas are one of the few that are cold hardy. They grow well in zones 4-9. They stand up well to winter weather conditions and freezing temperatures.


To keep your plants healthy and strong, apply a granular fertilizer in spring or early summer. Too much fertilizer and it can burn the roots of your plant and impact the blooms. A 10-30-10 blend is the perfect match for these types of hydrangeas. Avoid a fertilizer that is high in nitrogen or else you will have a lot of healthy leaves with very little blooms.

Common problems with Endless Summer Hydrangeas

  1. Curled or Drooping Leaves: If you notice that your hydrangeas have drooped or curled leaves, it could be a watering issue. Check your soil to see if it is too wet or too dry. Sometimes the leaves will curl if it is too hot.
  2. Yellow leaves: Yellow leaves could mean that your plant is either overwatered or underwatered. It could also mean that it is lacking in nutrients or in the wrong light conditions. You may need to do a process of elimination.
  3. Browning on Leaf Tips: If the tips of the leaves are starting to turn brown, it could mean that you are overfertilizing. This can burn the roots which will result in browning of the leaves. Another possible reason is adding too much soil acidifier. In both of these cases, back off adding further amendments to the soil. Try to flush some out of the soil with water and then let it dry out a bit. Monitor closely to see if it recovers.
garden with hydrangeas

Frequently asked questions about Endless Summer hydrangeas

When should you prune Endless Summer hydrangeas?

Endless Summer hydrangeas require minimal pruning. They produce their blooms on new and old wood. If you want to prune them, it is best to do so in early spring. Avoid pruning in the fall or you will interrupt the blooming cycle.

Can you grow Endless Summer Hydrangeas in pots?

Yes, you can. They are compact making them the perfect for growing in pots. Make sure that your pot is big enough to hold your hydrangea. Give it the space it needs to grow. Choose a container with proper drainage. Potted hydrangeas do require more water since they can dry out. As the hydrangea grows, you may need to repot it into a larger container. To overwinter, store in an unheated garage, basement, or greenhouse. If growing in a warmer climate, cover the base with mulch and wrap with burlap for added protection.

What common pests or diseases impact Endless Summer hydrangeas?

Powdery mildew, leaf spot, bacterial wilt, spider mites, bud blight, Japanese beetles and slugs can all impact these types of hydrangeas. Treating early will help to prevent damage.

Do you need to deadhead Endless Summer hydrangeas?

Deadheading will encourage more blooms. To deadhead, remove the flowers just below the flower head and above the next set of leaves.

How far apart should Endless Summer hydrangeas be planted?

If you want a dense border, space them 4 feet apart. If looking for a standalone plant, try planting them 8 feet apart.

Final thoughts on Endless Summer Hydrangeas

Now that you know more about how to grow and care for Endless Summer hydrangeas, we hope that you add one to your garden this year. These plants add so much beauty and texture to the garden. Have a favourite variety of Endless Summer hydrangeas that you are growing? Drop a comment below. We always love to hear from all of you. Been on the fence about adding an Endless Summer hydrangea to your yard? What are you waiting for? Go for it and take a leap of faith. Trust us, you won’t regret it!

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