Top 4 unique flower alternatives to fall mums

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The fall season is a wonderful time to continue to plant and decorate your property with festive fall flower displays. Fall mums are known for their vibrant colours and are the quintessential fall flower that you will see throughout your neighbourhood on many front porches. If you want your fall flower display to stand out or you are looking for a different alternative to decorating your property with colourful autumn blossoms, we have a great list of flower alternative to add to your fall décor.

Sunflowers: Cheerful pops of colour for fall

Sunflowers bring a warm cheerful bust of colour for your fall decorating. With so many different varieties available, you can spruce up your yard and transition from summer to fall with traditional yellow or rustic red sunflowers. You can plant sunflowers straight in the ground or in a planter for outdoor appeal. Or, you can cut your sunflowers and bring them indoors and place them in a vase or centerpiece. You will instantly brighten up any room with a beautiful display of cut flower sunflowers for your indoor fall décor.

Dahlias: Elegant blooms for a sophisticated fall look

With our cooler growing zone, Dahlias often start blooming for us in the fall. They make a wonderful choice for fall flower arrangements that can be planted in the ground or in a container. If you’re looking for a more elegant take on fall flower displays, dahlias are the way to go. There are so many vibrant and deep shades of red, orange, and purple which make dahlias a wonderful alternative to fall mums.

Marigolds: Festive and easy-to-grow autumn favourites

When I think of Canadian Thanksgiving and Halloween, I instantly think of marigolds. Mine are always in full bloom in the fall and the bright shades of orange, yellow, red, and gold really make a beautiful display of autumn colours. They are also easy to grow and require little maintenance which makes them a great plant to grow in the fall for busy families.

Zinnias: Long-lasting blooms for vibrant fall arrangements

Although some zinnias are known for their spring and summer vibes of lime greens and bright pinks, they are also available in reds, oranges, and purple which make them an excellent choice for fall flower arrangements. Zinnias are also known for their long-lasting blooms so why not cut them and bring them inside to create some festive fall flower arrangements, bouquets, and centerpieces!

Final thoughts on exploring new fall flower options

Fall mum plants will always be a popular choice when decorating in the fall season, but they are not your only choice to add a lovely pop of colour among your fall décor. Why not experiment this fall season and try some of these alternatives? You never know, you might just enjoy a fresh and vibrant take on fall festive colours with some of our top picks! For more great gardening tips follow us on facebook.

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