Easy gardening tips for growing your own onions

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With the arrival of the New Year comes thinking about new beginnings. Its the time of year when gardeners start to think about the crops that need to get started now for the summer harvest.

One of those crops is onions. In zone 6, January is perfect time to get started growing onions by seed. Aim to start your onions by seed towards the end of January.

Onions take a while to size up for transplant into the garden. Starting them by seed in zone 6 at the end of January gives them time they to be ready for spring and summer planting

If you’re new to growing onions by seed, you’ve come to the right place. Today’s blog is full of helpful tips to get you started on your seed starting journey! So, grab your gardening supplies and let’s dive in!

Onion sets vs. seeds: Advantages and Disadvantages

Onions are the staple of many diets. They help to provide added flavour for meals and are a versatile vegetable in the kitchen garden

But, did you know that when it comes to growing onions there are many different options to choose from?

If you are new to growing your own onions, the choices can be intimidating at first. But, one of the first decisions you must make is whether you will grow your onions from seed or onion sets.

Knowing the differences will go a long way to helping you decide which method will work best for you.

Onion sets

Onion sets, are onions that have been grown by seed in the previous season. They are often sold in bulk form or in a bag. These onions have had at least one year of growth before they were dug up and stored to be sold for spring planting.

At the time they are dug up, these onions are in their immature state. This means that they are partially grown.

Onion sets are forced into a dormancy period to be re-planted out next spring. Since they have already had a partial year of growth, onion sets are an appealing option to many gardeners. They can be planted directly in the ground in early spring and harvested the same year.

Advantages of onion sets

The advantage of growing onions by sets is that they are usually widely available at planting time. You can find them in bulk or sold in bags.

Disadvantages of onion sets

Some of the disadvantages of onion sets are that the selection tends to be a little more limited than seeds. Another disadvantage is that sometimes what is sent to the stores is not always appropriate for specific growing zones.

With onion sets, you also have to wait to plant until the ground can be worked in the spring.

Onion seeds

Onion seeds on the other hand tend to come in a larger array of varieties than onion sets. This offers gardeners the chance to select the types of onions they most often cook with. It is also an opportunity to select those varieties that will thrive in their growing zone.

Growing onions from seed is sometimes one of the only ways that home gardeners can get access to unique or rare varieties.

In more northern climates, growing onions by seed also offers the chance to get a head start on the summer growing season. Seeds can be started indoors and transplanted when the weather is warmer.

Selecting the best types of onions for your growing conditions

If you’ve decided to grow onions by seed this year , the type of seeds that will work best depends on the growing conditions in your area.

Pay close attention to the instructions on your seed packets. Do your research before purchasing any seeds. This will go a long way to putting you on the right track to a successful harvest this season.

Onions come in three different varieties:

  1. long-day
  2. short day
  3. day-neutral

The difference between the three largely comes down to the amount of daylight hours needed for the onions to start forming healthy bulbs.

Long-day onions need roughly 14-16 hours of daylight a day to start forming bulbs. They are most often grown by northern growers like those in zones 5 and 6.

By contrast, short-day onions need about 10 hours of daylight to form bulbs. They are most often grown by gardeners in warmer climates.

Day-neutral onions, as the name suggests, are not as dependent on specific daylight hours to form bulbs. They will produce a healthy crop of onions in many different growing conditions.

Under certain conditions, long-day onions can also be successfully grown in more southern growing zones and vice-versa with short-day onions.

Environmental factors such as heat and humidity levels and the overall moisture of the soil can also impact the productiveness of your onion harvest.

Traditionally, if you have very healthy and large tops on your onions, it is a good visual cue that they are bulbing up successfully underground.

Selecting the best varieties of onions for your personal use

When it comes to onion seeds, there are many varieties to choose from. These include pickling onions; bunching onions; scallions; cooking onions or storage onions.

There are also heirloom and hybrid varieties of onion seeds. Your choice will come down to personal preference and how you like to use your onions in cooking.

If you are not interested in storing onions long term, try planting some scallions or bunching onions. These can be used in the same season or dehydrated for later use.

If you are interested in having fresh onions to use over winter, make sure to plant cooking onions that are good for longer term storage.

Frequently asked questions about growing onions

How many onions grow from one bulb or set?

Multiplier onion varieties will typically produce several bulbs underground. Larger storage onions will usually produce one onion per set or bulb. Sometimes there may be two onions produced, but usually only one.

How do I get my onions to grow bigger?

To get your onions to grow bigger, you need to give them the ideal conditions to grow. Onions love sunlight. Ensure that they get planted in sunny spot in your yard that gets adequate daylight.

Give them space to grow. Plant your onions at least 3-4 inches apart.

Water your onions with a good soaking once a week. More so, in times of drought.

Apply a balanced organic fertilizer at the start and continue to feed throughout the season. Stop fertilizing in late summer to allow for proper storage over winter.

Make sure to choose the right variety of onions for your local growing conditions. Long-day onions in the North and short-day in the South.

If you have heavy clay soil, try planting in raised beds.

Make sure that your soil is rich in organic matter. Amend if necessary.

How long do onions take to grow?

When grown from seed, onions take about 90-100 days to mature. From sets, its about 80 days.

How do you grow onions at home without seeds?

If you do not wish to grow onions at home by seed, you can plant onion sets. Once planted, sets will mature in about 80 days. Sets are onions that have had at least one year of growth. They are dug up before they have a chance to mature and stored for planting next season.

how to grow the best onions

Final thoughts on growing your own onions

Growing your own food is an extremely rewarding experience. Whether you choose to grow onions from sets or by seed, they will add to the flavour profile of your favourite dishes.

Watching them develop from seed/sets to harvest will keep you busy all season long.

If you’ve always wanted to grow your own onions and never had the chance, pick up some packets of seeds or a bag of sets this season. You never know gardening friends, your new onion patch might turn into your favourite part of your 2025 spring and summer garden!

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