Zone 5 March planting schedule and seed starting calendar

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Starting seeds indoors in zone 5 has been an exciting journey, especially with the first signs of life emerging from the soil. By now, many gardeners are well into their seed starting routines, and with March here, it’s time to kick off the warmer weather season! This is when you can sow tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants indoors, signaling that spring is just around the corner. March is a time to plan for the upcoming spring and summer planting season.

If you’re new to seed starting, we welcome you! March is the perfect time to dive into the seed starting experience with us at Bluenose Blooms. In today’s guide, we’ll show you the best vegetable and flower seeds to start in March in zone 5. We’ll also give you helpful tips to ensure a summer full of fresh produce and blooms. We provide a planting schedule for March in zones 5a and 5b to help guide your seed starting journey. Be sure to check your local frost dates and growing conditions before you begin.

What seeds to start in March zone 5

Starting seeds in March zones 5a & 5b

Within zone 5, there are different microclimates. These are designated by the letters A or B. The information in today’s guide is broadly designed for zone 5 gardeners. You may need to adjust the planting schedule for your specific growing conditions and climate. It is usually a couple of weeks here or there if you need to make any adjustments.

Are you new to starting seeds?

If so, you may be wondering what the terms growing zone, hardiness zone, and frost dates mean. You may also be wondering about how to get started sowing seeds

Don’t fret, we’ve put together two handy guides available over on our blog. One is dedicated to understanding growing zones, hardiness zones, and frost dates. The other walks you through the basics of seed starting

The information in both guides will get you well on your way to starting seeds in no time!

starting seeds in March zone 5

Best seeds to start in March zone 5

As we inch ever closer to spring, the variety of seeds that you can start indoors in zone 5 is increasing by leaps and bounds. Last month we saw a gradual increase in the types of crops that you can start by seed. But, in March, there are quite a few warm weather crops that you can begin to sow by seed indoors in zone 5 that were not available to you last month. 

The air and ground temperatures are still not warm enough yet to sustain warmer weather crops outdoors. But, that doesn’t mean you can’t get started sowing some of these warm weather vegetables indoors in March zone 5. That’s right. Starting these crops indoors in March in zone 5 will give you the head start that you need. And, when the weather starts to warm up, you will be able to transition them outdoors to harden off

What to Plant Now and What to Wait For

Even though we will be starting some of these warmer weather crops indoors this month, it doesn’t mean it is time to start all of our favourite summer vegetables. Crops like cucumbers, melons, zucchini, etc. are best started next month. These crops tend to put on a lot of growth quite quickly. Start them too soon, and the plants will be too advanced by the time they are fully ready to be transitioned outdoors. If you are looking to start any of these crops, be sure to check back next month for more seed starting guides to come!

Not only is March a great month in zone 5 for starting crops like tomatoes and peppers, but it is also a great time to get started planning your summer flower garden! Now is a great time to start any of your annual flower seeds that need to be sown indoors at least 8 weeks before your last frost. You might consider starting flowers like salvia, annual dianthus, or straw flowers. 

Vegetable seeds to start in March zone 5

March is here gardening friends! And, that means the beginning of the warmer weather seed starting season! That’s right, in zone 5, March is when we can start to think about sowing tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants indoors. Starting these crops indoors this month in zone 5 will help to extend the growing season. It will also help to have healthy seedlings to plant out in the spring after the danger of frost has passed

It is also the time to get a second or third round of cooler weather started indoors. This way, you can succession plant and keep the harvest going well into the spring and summer. Crops like cabbage, Brussels sprouts, collards, Swiss chard, Asian greens, cauliflower, and kale can all be started indoors in March zone 5. Starting them early in the season indoors will give them time to grow into strong seedlings ready to take on the outdoors!

Starting tomatoes by seed indoors in March zone 5

One of the all-time staples of the summer vegetable garden is tomatoes. Available in a large selection of heirloom and hybrids, there is sure to be a variety for every gardener’s taste. It really comes down to experimenting with different varieties of tomatoes to find those that work in your growing conditions

The types of tomatoes that you choose to plant in your garden, is also connected to how you will use them in the kitchen. Whatever your purpose is for planting tomatoes in zone 5, March is a great month to get started growing them indoors. Since tomatoes can grow quite quickly once germinated, aim to start sowing your seeds indoors towards the end of March or early April.

zone 5 seed starting

It’s all about timing

Your timing to start tomatoes indoors in zone 5 will depend on your location, weather and climate conditions. It will also largely depend on your last frost dates and when you expect to harvest the fruit. Zone 5 does have a shorter growing season. This is largely related to the arrival of damaging frost and cooler northerly temperatures fluctuations. Starting early indoors will help you extend the harvest and allow you to reap the fruits of your labour much earlier than the season would normally allow for

The key to keeping tomato seedlings healthy and happy indoors is to give them the right balance of heat, light, and water. Tomatoes are also heavy feeders. Applying the right balance of starter fertilizer after they put on growth indoors will help them to get ready for their transition outdoors later in the season. Avoid heavy fertilization until the seedlings have 2-3 sets of true leaves. This way, you will avoid burning the tender young roots of your seedlings. Always follow the directions on your fertilizer and apply gently

Starting tomatoes

Tomatoes germinate best with a heat source. Use either heat mats or a sunny and warm windowsill. Be sure to keep an eye on the water level of your seedlings. You want to avoid having them dry out and then drowning them with water to compensate. Extreme fluctuations in the water level will cause undue stress to your seedlings. Gently mist them each day, but avoid applying too much water. Overwatering can lead to root rot and the development of harmful fungal and bacterial diseases

Did you struggle with blossom end rot last year when growing tomatoes? Don’t fret, our handy guide has all the tips you need to prevent blossom end rot from ruining this year’s harvest. Head on over to the blog to check it out today. 

Some of our favourite varieties of tomatoes to grow by seed in March zone 5 are: 

  • Cherokee Purple
  • Sungold 
  • Mortgage Lifter
  • Abe Lincoln
  • Moneymaker
  • Patio Choice
  • Amish Paste
  • Roma
  • Scotia
  • Sunrise Bumble Bee

Starting eggplant by seed in March zone 5

Often used in Italian cooking, eggplant is another one of the summer-loving vegetables that you should start in March in zone 5. Like many vegetables, eggplant seeds come in a lot of fun and interesting hybrid and heirloom varieties

Eggplant seedlings should be kept indoors until the danger of frost has passed as they are considered a tender annual crop. They will need to be gently hardened off before being planted out in the garden. 

It’s best to start your eggplant seeds indoors in zone 5 towards the end of March or early April. Usually about 8-9 weeks before you would like to transplant them to the garden. Eggplant seeds will typically germinate in about 5-6 days after planting. Once germinated, the seedlings will need at least 12 hours of light a day. You can use grow lights or a sunny windowsill

For best results, plant your seeds at least ¼ inch deep. The seed starting mix should be moist, but not soaked. As seedlings emerge, keep an active eye on their water levels. You should avoid either underwatering or over watering as this can put stress on young seedlings

Some of our favourite varieties of eggplant to grow by seed in March in zone 5 are: 

  • Black Beauty
  • Italian Eggplant
  • Japanese Eggplant
  • Patio Baby
  • Rosa Bianca
  • Fairytale eggplant
  • Long purple eggplant
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Starting peppers by seed in March zone 5

Nothing beats fresh peppers straight from the garden. Another one of the main staples of the summer vegetable garden, peppers are a great crop to get started growing indoors in March zone 5

Just like tomatoes, peppers come in many heirloom and hybrid varieties. You may have started some hot peppers last month by seed indoors. But, this month, why not try your hand at growing some delicious sweet peppers?

Peppers do take a bit of time to fully grow from seed to harvest. So, starting them early indoors will give you plenty of time to develop a healthy crop. Since zone 5 has a shorter growing season, starting early will ensure a bountiful harvest before the final frost of the year ushers in the end of the growing season. In zone 5, aim to start your peppers indoors towards the end of March or early April

Starting peppers in Northern zones

In more northern zones, pepper plants are considered a tender annual. But, did you know that pepper plants can be successfully overwintered indoors? That’s right, gardening friends. However, it does take some extra care and attention. For a list of helpful tips on how to overwinter your favourite pepper plants indoors, be sure to check out our handy guide. It walks you through everything you need to know to have your pepper plants coming back strong year-after-year

Peppers do need a good balance of heat, light, and moisture to grow. You can start them in soil blocks, six cell trays, or peat pellet pods. Whatever strategy you choose, be sure to keep a good eye on their moisture levels. You want to avoid the seedlings drying out too much when they are in their early stages of growth

You can start your pepper seeds on heat mats or in a sunny windowsill. If you are growing in a windowsill, be sure to turn your seedlings periodically so they are not stretching for the light. This will help you to avoid having them become too leggy

If you are new to starting your seeds using soil blocks and want to learn more about this technique, we’ve put together a helpful guide. The guide walks you through how to build your soil blocks as well as explains the advantages of this technique. Soil blocks are a great way to achieve air pruning and tend to produce healthier and stronger seedlings. Be sure to visit our guide for more helpful tips to get your started! 

Some of our favourite varieties of peppers to grow by seed in March zone 5 are: 

  • King Arthur 
  • Shishito
  • Jimmy Nardello
  • King of the North
  • Mini Bell Peppers
  • Anaheim Chili
  • Toreador
  • Keystone Resistant Giant
seed starting

Cool crops to start by seed in March zone 5

If you missed the opportunity to start some of your cool weather crops or are looking to succession plant, March is still a great month to get started in zone 5. Crops like cauliflower, cabbage, kale, Brussels sprouts, collards, Swiss chard, and Asian greens can all be started indoors in March in zone 5

For best results, start your seeds mid to late March. This way, you will be able to transition them outdoors when the weather starts to warm in Spring. Some of these can even take a light frost and can handle cooler temperatures

If you have space available, using cold frames, row covers, or a greenhouse will allow you to transition these outdoors much earlier. They will need to stay under cover though until danger of frost has passed

Cool weather crops thrive in the cooler temperatures of early Spring. So, they make the perfect companion to the zone 5 garden. As an added bonus, many are very good for your health by providing essential vitamins and nutrients

Cool weather crops are also very easy to grow from seed, making them great for beginner gardeners. Some do take a bit of space to grow in the garden, so be sure to plan accordingly before starting your seeds

Some of our favourite varieties of cool weather crops to grow by seed in March in zone 5 are: 

  • Red Russian Kale
  • Snowball Y Cauliflower
  • Copenhagen Market Cabbage
  • Dinosaur Kale
  • Bright Lights Swiss Chard
  • Fordhook Giant Swiss Chard
  • Wa Wa Sai Cabbage
  • China Express Cabbage
  • Pak Choi

Starting flowers by seed in March in zone 5

If you have your heart set on planting a pollinator or cut-flower garden, March is your month to get your seeds started. Many of your annual flowers should be started this month to ensure beautiful summertime blooms. Aim to start your annual flowers indoors towards the end of the month. This will give you the best opportunity to see those beautiful summertime blooms emerge later in the season. 

Some flowers will take longer to germinate than others, so getting started in March will give you the best chance of having healthy and strong seedlings to transplant out to the garden once the temperatures are out of the danger zone. Many annuals are frost tender. So, that means they will need to be hardened off first before planting in the garden. You need to wait until all danger of frost has passed to begin this process

Annual flowers

When it comes to annual flowers, there is such a wide variety to choose from. There is also something for every gardener’s colour palette. Some annual flowers that you might consider starting by seed in March zone 5 are salvia, annual dianthus, strawflowers, petunias, calendula, larkspur, nigella, lobelia, cosmos, and marigolds. There are many others, but a lot of these will serve both as great bedding plants, but also as great additions to your favourite summer planters and hanging baskets

Adding flowers to your garden is not only important for your own enjoyment, but it also helps out our pollinators. Pollinators love to visit yards that offer lots of colour and safe habitats. Always wanted to plant a pollinator garden, but didn’t know where to start? Be sure to visit our handy guide for helpful tips to get you started! From plant selection to arranging the flowers in your garden for maximum impact, we’ve got you covered!

Frequently asked questions on starting seeds in March zone 5

Do you need grow light to start seeds?

Most seeds will need some light to germinate. The exception is pansies which require darkness at first until germination begins. 

You do not necessarily need to grow lights to grow indoors over winter. They do help if they are in your budget and you have available space for them. 

You can also use a sunny kitchen window or south facing windowsill to germinate your seeds. As they sprout, you will need to turn them as the sun moves during the day. 

How many hours a day should your grow lights be on for seedlings?

Usually 14-16 hours a day is sufficient for most seedlings. Some power bars come with a timer or you can buy a separate timer attachment. This will help you to set it for a certain amount of hours per day after which they will automatically shut off. 

Should you leave grow lights on 24/7?

No, you should avoid leaving your grow lights on 24/7. Most seedlings once they emerge will require about 14-16 hours of light per day

The idea is to mimic the daylight that they would receive outdoors. So, only having them on for a certain amount of hours per day will get your seedlings ready for their outdoor transition.

What do do after seeds sprout indoors?

After your seedlings emerge, you will need to actively monitor their progress. This means ensuring that they have the right balance of temperature, light, and water

If the soil is dry to the touch, it’s time to gently water them. Avoid having your seedlings sitting in too much standing water. This will cause stress which you want to avoid. 

How long can seedlings stay in seed trays?

Young seedlings can typically stay in their seed trays for 4-6 weeks. After this, you will need to consider re-potting them into larger containers.

 Or, if you are at the point where they can go outdoors, you can slowly acclimate them for later transplant

How often do you water seedlings?

Seedlings will need water while they are actively growing. Keep an eye on their water levels. Do not let them dry out too much

Since you are most likely starting your seeds indoors this time of year in zone 5, the tendency to dry out is higher. Keeping a close watch over your seedlings each day will help you to monitor their progress

Avoid over or under watering and inconsistent watering schedules. This can add undue stress to your seedlings

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Final thoughts on starting seeds in March zone 5

If you haven’t joined us on the seed starting journey yet this season, what are you waiting for? March is a great month in zone 5 to dive head first into the exciting world of seed starting! Nothing is more rewarding than nurturing a plant from seed to harvest and knowing that you had a gentle guiding hand throughout the entire process. Go ahead and get dirty this season!  Come summer, you’ll be glad you did as you sit back and admire all your beautiful gardens. Have a seed starting success story that you’d like to share with your fellow gardeners? Drop a comment below or visit our socials and share your story. While you’re there, give us a like and follow on Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest and join the conversation! 

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